October 7th Dialogue with PFLP Deputy Secretary-General, Jamil Mazhar

In the face of the escalating crises facing the Palestinian people, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) remains an embodiment of revolutionary vision and effective resistance. In this interview, we host the Deputy Secretary-General of the PFLP, Jamil Mazhar (Abu Wadih), to explore his thoughts and visions on how to confront the occupation, and the role of the movement in promoting revolutionary action in these difficult times. We will discuss resistance strategies, the importance of national unity, and the various challenges facing the movement in the changing regional and international context.
In an exclusive interview with Al-Hadaf Gate, Comrade Jamil Mazhar reveals to us the human and political aspects of the Palestinian resistance. Through our interview with him, we can understand the details of the current situation and the challenges facing the Palestinians, in addition to their aspirations for freedom. This interview goes beyond the political aspect to be an invitation to think about how to enhance collective action and effective resistance against the occupation.
Jamil Mazhar pointed out in his interview with Al-Hadaf News that the battle had led to qualitative achievements for the Palestinian resistance, as it was able to weaken the Israeli deterrent force and change the equations of the conflict in favor of the Palestinian people.
Stressing the importance of strengthening national unity among Palestinian factions, considering that this is the way to achieve common goals and confront the occupation, he stressed that the division of the Palestinians harms their interests.
Mazhar also discussed the urgent need to confront the settlement and Judaization policies pursued by Israel, noting that popular resistance and field movements constitute an effective tool in confronting these policies.
Accordingly, Mazhar discussed the impact of Arab and international popular support on the Palestinian cause, explaining the importance of continuous documentation of the occupation’s crimes to pressure the international community to support it, and calling for increased efforts to break the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip.
How do you evaluate the year after the Al-Aqsa flood/ How do you evaluate the passing of a year since the Al-Aqsa flood in terms of the goals set by the Popular Front and the Palestinian resistance? Has anything tangible been achieved from those goals?
The Battle of “Al-Aqsa Flood” was not just a military confrontation, nor was it a passing battle, but rather a qualitative shift in the process of conflict with the occupation, and part of a long path in the context of the national resistance project that the Front and all resistance factions seek to achieve, which is a national liberation project that aims to liberate the land and restore the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people. Therefore, the objectives of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood revolved around forcing the occupation to retreat from its settlement, aggressive and Judaization policies, the siege on Gaza, and the attacks on the holy sites. Within this context, the battle came as a link in the chain of our people’s struggle that will continue and will be followed by other battles and others until this entity is defeated.
Before reviewing the achievements made throughout the year, it is necessary to point out the unprecedented genocide crimes committed by the occupation throughout the year in the Gaza Strip, in addition to a noticeable escalation in its military operations, assassinations and raids in the occupied West Bank, specifically its north. Throughout the year, the Zionist occupation committed horrific massacres in Gaza, where its American-made warplanes intensively targeted residential areas and civilian institutions after forcing the majority of the Gaza Strip’s population to flee. The most prominent of these major massacres was the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, including attacks targeting homes, schools and hospitals, which led to the martyrdom of thousands of civilians, including a large number of children and women. The Zionist raids throughout the year also targeted the basic infrastructure in Gaza, especially hospitals, most notably the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, including electricity and water stations, which increased the suffering of the population who have already been suffering from a stifling siege for years.
The Deputy Secretary-General added that we have witnessed in the occupied West Bank, especially in the north, a noticeable escalation in Zionist assassinations and incursions, most notably the targeting of the Jenin and Nablus camps by the occupation forces with extensive and repeated campaigns of aggression and daily attacks and crimes, which led to the martyrdom of hundreds and the wounding of thousands of Palestinians, and the destruction of property and infrastructure.

In an attempt to break the morale of the resistance and weaken the growing popular movement, the occupation carried out assassinations against field leaders of the resistance in the northern occupied West Bank. The campaign also included a campaign of persecution and widespread arrests among Palestinian fighters, especially leaders and cadres of the Popular Front, including the struggling comrade Khalida Jarrar, comrade Abla Saadat, the wife of the leader comrade Ahmed Saadat, and hundreds of leaders and cadres.

Jamil Mazhar pointed out, “The achievements that have been made over the course of a year, first: As a general framework, it is necessary to deeply understand that this battle is broader than just a confrontation with an occupying army, but rather a confrontation with the entire colonial system, which summoned and mobilized all its energies to break the effects resulting from Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa, most notably the collapse of the image of the immunity and immunity of the Zionist entity, as the question of the survival or disintegration of this entity became clearly raised, which is what the colonial system rushed to prevent and intervened in the battle directly. Therefore, when we look at the results of this confrontation, we see destruction as we see steadfastness and resistance, and we do not expect instant results, but rather we bet on mobilizing all energies to capitalize on what has been achieved in terms of popular steadfastness and heroism from the resistance, and to extract gains for our people on the path to extracting their rights and freedom, as this confrontation has strategic dimensions on the Palestinian, regional and international levels, which is what our people and the resistance forces realize, as well as the colonial forces realize, which pushes them to further strive in the battle, and transfer it to the level of a comprehensive confrontation and a war of extermination that has exceeded the Gaza Strip to reach For the West Bank and Lebanon.

Adding, “On the side of our people and their resistance, we seek to mobilize all the energies of the nation, the peoples of the region, and the forces of solidarity against this complex aggressive alliance. In this direction, the equation of unity of hours has been established between all the resistance factions that have entered the battle to support the resistance in the Strip; The support fronts have witnessed a noticeable escalation, especially by the Lebanese and Yemeni resistance, which launched many heroic support operations against the Zionist sites on the borders, within the framework of the escalation of the support front, and what is happening now on the Lebanese front of a wide Zionist escalation, is evidence of the great influence of the support front in Lebanon on the Zionist entity, and their attempts to separate the resistance support front in Lebanon from the Gaza front.
Recalling that the Yemeni armed forces succeeded in targeting the Zionist depth, especially the city of Tel Aviv, with drones and ballistic missiles, in a qualitative shift in the conflict, reflecting the strength of this front and its success in besieging the occupation economically and militarily, and the inability of the American army and its allies to lift this Yemeni embargo, we in the front view these effects in their current and also strategic meaning as a restoration of the concept of the unity of the Arab peoples and the peoples of the region in the face of the colonial system, which the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa revived and placed Palestine once again as its compass.
The Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front indicates that “it is one of the most prominent results that appeared throughout the year It is the erosion of the Zionist deterrent force, as the Zionist entity failed to curb or weaken the capabilities of the resistance, which led to the continuation of Palestinian missile strikes and battles of attrition against the enemy on an almost daily basis.
Despite the great American support for the Zionist entity and its direct involvement in the war of extermination by providing it with weapons or political cover in international forums, the American administration appeared to be in a defensive and hesitant position, especially after the Zionist entity was exposed to strikes from various fronts.
The Attorney General of the Popular Front points to what the Palestinian resistance succeeded in doing in transforming the battle into a long-term war of attrition; despite the brutal and destructive Zionist forces that the occupation used throughout the year in Gaza, the resistance continued to launch missiles, target Zionist military vehicles, and turn every ground maneuver into a costly path through the great losses it received in officers, soldiers, and vehicles. The resistance succeeded in making the occupation fight a long-term battle in terms of resources and military and economic capabilities, which increased the pressure on the Zionist army, which forced it, through its recent statements, that it had accomplished the mission, and that the resistance factions could not be completely destroyed because they are spiritually and intellectually embedded in the souls of the Palestinian people, reaching the point of questioning the goals of the war set by the enemy’s prime minister, from destroying Hamas and returning prisoners through military pressure.

Pointing out that this year witnessed a global uprising in solidarity with the Palestinian people, especially among students and youth around the world, thousands of demonstrations were organized during the year, especially in universities around the world, where students raised slogans denouncing the Zionist crimes and demanding justice for the Palestinian people, and these demonstrations had an important impact in pressuring some Western governments, especially Britain, France and Canada, to change their position on the war. The momentum around the academic and cultural boycott movements of “Israel” has increased, which has led to increasing pressure on international institutions to disengage from the Zionist entity. The decisions of the International Court of Justice have provided a glimmer of hope for the trial of the occupation leaders in international courts for the crimes of genocide they are committing against our people. However, it needs more pressure and the use of strong cards to stop any attempts by the US administration to prevent the International Criminal Court from issuing an indictment against Benjamin Netanyahu and Galant.

Throughout the year, evidence of the crimes committed by the occupation against the Palestinians increased, which contributed to exposing the crimes documented by human rights organizations and the international press, from bombings and killings of civilians and targeting the health system and journalists, to the use of internationally banned weapons.

Jamil Mazhar: Throughout the year, the battle of “Al-Aqsa Flood” turned into a long-term conflict that exhausted the occupation on several fronts, and at the same time, the Palestinian resistance strengthened its capabilities and regional alliances, and seized a lot on the path of reviving the Arab depth despite efforts to undermine this depth and subject it to American and Zionist hegemony, which created increasing pressure on the Zionist entity and its international supporters.
Despite the huge challenges and risks that surrounded this battle and the heavy losses in Palestinian and Lebanese lives and infrastructure, it can be said that there are several tangible achievements that have been made on various levels over the course of a year, which can be accumulated and built upon to weaken the entity and its allies, but this is a battle that has not ended and a confrontation in which we are well aware that we must mobilize more energies and provide more efforts, sacrifices and struggle.
What are the new strategies that the Popular Front is adopting in confronting the occupation after a year has passed since the Al-Aqsa flood? Is there a change in how you evaluate the effectiveness of the military and political work carried out by the Front during the past year? What are the next steps to enhance these efforts?
Comrade Mazhar points out that the Front, a year after the Al-Aqsa Flood, and within its strategic line, which works to employ all the tools of struggle to exhaust the occupation and also to strengthen the steadfastness and ability of our people, relies on a comprehensive and multiple strategy, based on a set of strategies in confronting the occupation, combining various forms of struggle methods, at the forefront of which is military action, and within it political, societal, cultural and popular action within the framework of an integrated vision. One of the most prominent of these strategies is strengthening the armed resistance as a main line of defense, whether in Gaza or the West Bank, alongside the resistance factions; after the events witnessed last year, the Front is focusing on strengthening the capabilities of its armed wing and its resistance as a main axis in confronting the occupation, through developing military capabilities and relying on guerrilla warfare tactics. Military action has proven its role in raising the cost of the occupation, whether in terms of soldiers, which has put the occupation in a state of great exhaustion. Last year also witnessed a noticeable shift in strengthening field coordination between the various resistance factions. The Front played a pivotal role in strengthening field unity between the Palestinian resistance factions during the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle. This unit has enhanced the impact of military action on the ground and expanded its geographical scope to include several fronts, which has put great pressure on the occupation and its units.
Mazhar notes the following: Politically, the Front is working to exploit all local, regional and international platforms to pressure for stopping the aggression and punishing the occupier for the crimes of genocide, besieging and isolating it worldwide.
The Front believes that strengthening the steadfastness of the popular incubator is the most urgent priority at the current stage, and it is an essential part of its strategy to confront the occupation’s plans that focused on attempts to weaken and deplete this front. Therefore, during the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, the Front focused on relief initiatives and combating some of the negative phenomena that surfaced during the aggression, including high prices and monopoly, and working to preserve social structures and institutions, and restore the ability of social networks to support the Palestinian people in their steadfastness, which is a struggle that our comrades are engaged in and is no less important than our political or armed struggle.
Comrade Abu Wadih added that “in terms of evaluating these strategies, the Front believes that military action has proven its effectiveness on several levels, not only in exhausting the occupation forces and raising its military cost, but also in strengthening the Palestinian people’s confidence in the resistance’s ability to withstand and bring down the enemy’s targets one after the other; this military action has also contributed to dissipating all the occupation’s achievements in its ground maneuvers in the cities and regions of the Strip, and obstructing its plans to displace our people.

Adding that the Front has been able to achieve a greater presence for our cause and the demands of our people Arab, regional and international through its continuous political movement throughout the year, and this role continues in order to stop the aggression and seize the rights of our people, and also to implement the national decisions to achieve reconciliation, according to a specific timetable. We also invest all our international relations, with the progressive and solidarity forces and friendly countries, whether by working directly on joint programs, or by intensive international contacts to expose the unprecedented Zionist violations and reveal the Western role involved and partner, and to continue the struggle on the awareness front to generalize the Palestinian narrative, and isolate the entity politically and legally

…and benefiting from the technical, media, cultural and academic revolutions and the role of university students in increasing global awareness of the Palestinian cause.

The Front is now focusing its efforts on developing qualitative military methods for its fighters and enhancing coordination more, which can contribute to hurting the enemy, with more painful and surprising strikes, while expanding the circle of resistance in the occupied West Bank, and enhancing work inside the occupied territories, due to the importance of these two fronts in exhausting the enemy. The Front also continues to strengthen its presence with the axis of resistance, and with all friendly countries that support our people, and work to open new channels with international powers to increase pressure on the occupation in international forums.
The Israeli aggression on Gaza and the West Bank has been ongoing for many months. How does the Front confront this ongoing Israeli escalation? Is there effective coordination between the various Palestinian factions under this title, especially with regard to unifying military and political efforts?
From our point of view in the Front, the ongoing “Israeli” aggression on Gaza and the West Bank comes in the context of a systematic plan that precedes the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and its heroic battle, through which the enemy has sought during the past years in particular to achieve a final liquidation of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian collective entity.
The enemy has accelerated and escalated its steps to implement this strategy during the past year through its realization that this is a fateful and decisive battle. We also realize that this battle requires Palestinian national unity, and the summoning and mobilization of all Palestinian energies within a joint national strategy, which we are working to achieve as firstly an increase in the factors of Palestinian strength and strengthening the steadfastness of our people, and secondly as a main tool in weakening and overthrowing the occupier’s bets on tearing apart the Palestinian body and ending the Palestinian entity, and thirdly considering the importance of this unified position in enriching the popular and resistant steadfastness through a strategic project to seize the rights of our people and move them towards independence, self-determination, return and statehood. Indeed, we view the required unified and coordinated position as the most pivotal pillar in breaking the aggression and seizing the demands of our people.
The Front and other resistance factions are confronting this escalation and the Zionist plan, by adopting the approach of armed resistance, as it is the natural and most effective response to confront the occupation. Therefore, we, along with the resistance factions, seek to develop the capabilities of the resistance and escalate organized military action from the West Bank, knowing that the Front is an integral part of the resistance factions in the West Bank, which have been directing painful blows to the occupation in recent months, and thus we explain the extent of targeting, prosecutions and widespread arrests of the Front’s leaders and cadres in the West Bank.
Regarding coordination between the Palestinian factions, the Deputy Secretary-General stated that the Front focuses on the necessity of integrating Palestinian national action in confronting the Zionist escalation, as it believes that the unity of the Palestinian ranks is a basic condition for victory over the occupation and thwarting its plans. Despite the challenges facing coordination between the factions, especially due to political and ideological differences, there are intensive efforts being made to unify the ranks, and there is integrated coordination on the battlefield between the Front and most of the resistance factions.
In this context, the Front has always called for the necessity of developing the joint room of the resistance factions in Gaza, to become an important model for military coordination between the factions, which has proven its effectiveness in confronting the aggression. The Front also seeks to develop this coordination to include the West Bank, where military, popular and political efforts must be integrated to confront the occupation in a comprehensive manner.
Comrade Mazhar confirms that the Front works with various factions through the national and Islamic action factions, in order to reach a true national unity based on a resistance program, activate comprehensive national dialogue and avoid internal divisions that weaken the Palestinian cause in front of the world and give the occupation an opportunity to exploit it. The Front has undertaken great initiatives and efforts and given priority to filling the gaps in the Palestinian position, perhaps the most important of which is the initiative to form a unified national leadership, and work with various parties to remove any obstacles to national unity and also to circumvent unified demands that include the constants of our people.
How do you evaluate the position of the Arab countries and the international community towards the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians? Do you feel disappointed by the positions of some regional countries and how can support for the Palestinian cause be enhanced? How does the Popular Front deal with the attempts of international powers to impose political or economic pressure on the Palestinian resistance?

The position of the Arab countries and the international community towards the Zionist aggression against our people is characterized by a great disparity between verbal condemnation and practical complicity, which is evident through the failure to take actual measures to deter the occupation or hold it accountable for its ongoing crimes.

It should be noted that there are a few Arab countries that have declared a clear position on the side of the Palestinian people, and supported this by entering into a battle to directly support the Palestinian position, such as Yemen and Lebanon; but the overwhelming majority either suffice with verbal condemnation or continue to drown in normalization paths under the umbrella of the so-called regional peace and recorded a position supporting the occupation in the war, such as the Emirati regime. The disappointment here lies in the retreat of many Arab and regional countries from their natural role in supporting the Palestinian cause, and even the orientation of some regimes towards establishing alliances with the Zionist entity and trying to lift the economic siege imposed by the Yemeni armed resistance, completely ignoring the unprecedented brutal crimes committed by this entity. In this regard, we direct our call to the living Arab forces and the masses of our nation to deter these governments from their destructive policies, and we work with these forces to develop the popular position and also develop tools to curb and prevent negative official roles. Comrade Jamil Mazhar says that “from the international community’s perspective, there is a state of moral blindness and duplicity that characterizes the positions of the major Western powers; the military, diplomatic and economic support provided to the occupation continues unabated. The worst thing is the international silence that has contributed to prolonging the aggression and legitimizing it, as countries that brag about democracy and human rights, such as the United States and most European countries, play a fundamental role in covering up the crimes of the occupation through their military and political support for the Zionist entity without accountability or supervision.”

Mazhar warns that with regard to the Palestinian issue, real support can only be strengthened by rebuilding the Arab resistance front in a solid manner, where Palestine is the compass that unites peoples in confronting all forms of normalization and submission to the dictates of the major powers. Strengthening support should not be limited to the material or political dimension only, but rather extends to building popular fronts that communicate with global liberation movements, to form a broader framework for resisting colonial and imperialist hegemony embodied in the unconditional support for “Israel.”
He added, “As for the attempts of international powers to impose political or economic pressures on the Palestinian resistance, the Popular Front deals with them by categorically rejecting any partial solutions or submission to the dictates of these powers. The resistance of the Palestinian people is legitimate according to all international conventions, and cannot be considered at the mercy of the “conditions” of the powers that support the occupation. The Front also believes that complete liberation from occupation and colonialism does not come through compromises or concessions, but rather through adherence to national constants and expanding the circle of resistance in all its forms.”
The Front stresses the importance of building strategic alliances with countries and powers that adopt policies that oppose imperialism and Zionism, and that declare their explicit support for the resistance. These alliances form a solid wall against any pressures that may come from the West or reactionary powers, and make the resistance capable of withstanding all attempts at political and economic liquidation.
Under the current circumstances, how is the Popular Front working to achieve Palestinian national unity? What are the difficulties facing reconciliation efforts between the factions? What message does the Front send to the rest of the Palestinian factions about the importance of unity at this critical time?

From the Front’s point of view, achieving Palestinian national unity is a central priority and a basic condition for confronting the current challenges facing the Palestinian people in light of the comprehensive aggressive war against our people, and the escalation of the Zionist war of extermination and holocaust. The Front also saw that it is not possible to achieve any political achievements from the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa without reorganizing the Palestinian house, as the Front is one of the forces that considered the division to have caused serious damage to the Palestinian cause at the domestic and international levels, which requires intensive efforts to reunite the Palestinian ranks within the framework of a national resistance program. Therefore, the Front believes that unity is not only a tactical goal, but rather a long-term strategy for building a strong Palestinian society that can confront the occupation and settlement and confront the ongoing liquidation plans that target the land, the people and the identity. Therefore, the Front calls for the necessity of forming a unified national front that includes all Palestinian factions on the basis of resistance and confrontation with the occupation. It believes that the current Palestinian division represents a major loophole that the occupation exploits to enhance its aggression and fragment the achievements of our people.

Norway is on the positions of France and Britain, for example, and in contrast to the positions of Germany.

Although the Front believes that there is an important change in the international climate that can be exploited, especially after the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa; economic crises, geopolitical tensions such as the war in Ukraine, and the rising influence of emerging powers such as China and Russia, may create opportunities to reconsider the positions of some countries towards supporting the occupation. In this context, the Front and the resistance forces can seek to build new alliances with countries that are trying to undermine American and Western hegemony, which may lead to increased pressure on the Zionist entity and its isolation at all levels.
How do you evaluate the level of international solidarity with the Palestinian cause a year after the Al-Aqsa flood? Are there steps to strengthen this solidarity? What message would you like to send to the free peoples of the world about the importance of supporting the Palestinian cause at this time?
A year after the start of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, it is necessary to look at the profound transformations that have occurred in the global movement and the changes in the positions of free peoples on the issues of liberation and justice from a realistic point of view. It cannot be denied that the Zionist war of extermination on the Gaza Strip and the unprecedented crimes committed in the Strip have brought about an important shift in global public opinion, whether at the level of peoples or some governments that have begun to reconsider their positions, albeit to a limited extent, towards the Palestinian cause, and that this shift has revealed the truth of the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people to everyone, which can no longer be ignored or covered up as was the case in the past. On the one hand, we have witnessed widespread solidarity from popular movements, unions and human rights organizations around the world. There are also countries that have begun to realize that the Palestinian cause is not just the cause of an occupied people, but rather part of a major battle against colonialism and exploitation, and within a global context in which right is in conflict with hegemony and imperialism. The marches that took place in the streets of European and American cities after the aggression on Gaza, and the great interaction with the campaign to boycott the occupation economically, academically and culturally, are all indications that popular solidarity is gaining greater momentum with the passage of time. However, despite this, the level of solidarity has not reached levels of pressure that can stop the aggression, or pressure Western governments to stop their support for the entity.
As for the steps required to enhance this international solidarity, the Deputy Secretary-General sees an urgent need to develop and expand Palestinian diplomatic work within popular circles, with a focus on building strong alliances with global liberation and progressive movements. Every international platform, whether political, cultural, or media, must be exploited to emphasize that the Palestinian cause is not just a humanitarian issue, but a central issue for international justice. In addition, the circle of boycott, sanctions, and divestment campaigns against the “Israeli” occupation must be expanded, as they have proven effective in pressuring the entity and embarrassing it before the world.
Comrade Jamil Mazhar sends a message to free peoples at this sensitive time: “Supporting the Palestinian cause is supporting justice, dignity, and the right of peoples to self-determination. Making it clear to them that the Palestinian cause is not a matter that concerns the Palestinians alone, but rather a test of the world’s commitment to the values ​​of freedom and equality. Standing by Palestine is a rejection of injustice in all its forms, and it is solidarity with all those who struggle for a better world, far from the policies of oppression, colonialism, and persecution. In a detailed manner, the transformation we aspire to in the positions and role of the solidarity forces is a transformation from positions of human solidarity to positions of struggle committed to the rights of our people, foremost among which is their right to resistance.”
How has the ongoing aggression affected the social and economic fabric of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, and what are the Front’s plans to alleviate the humanitarian suffering facing the Palestinian people?
The ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank has left deep impacts on the social and economic fabric, and is part of the occupation’s strategy to dismantle Palestinian society and disable its ability to withstand and resist. In our opinion, this aggression is an extension of the occupation’s attempts to break the will of the Palestinian people by undermining their infrastructure and causing internal disintegration at various levels.
Comrade Jamil Mazhar believes that “the Israeli aggression has led to a state of rupture in the Palestinian social fabric, as Palestinians suffer from worsening psychological and social problems, as a result of the direct targeting of families, the demolition of homes, and mass massacres. Through these policies, the occupation has aimed to dismantle social ties and sow fear and suspicion among members of society, which leads to weakening social cohesion and undermining social security.”
However, despite these attempts, Palestinian society has remained resilient and cohesive, with social ties growing stronger as the attacks continue, especially through the people’s solidarity with the families of martyrs, detainees and the wounded.” The Deputy Secretary-General states that “the ongoing blockade and ongoing aggression have destroyed the economic infrastructure of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, leading to increased unemployment, poverty and deteriorating living standards. Before the aggression, the industrial and agricultural sectors were suffering from almost complete paralysis as a result of the direct targeting of the infrastructure, and today they are ghosts suffering from complete paralysis, which deepened the dependence on foreign aid and caused widespread destruction to the Palestinian economy.

From this standpoint, the Popular Front believes that alleviating the humanitarian suffering of the Palestinian people requires a set of integrated steps, the most important of which is strengthening popular resistance and steadfastness; we consider that strengthening the ability to withstand is an essential part of confronting the aggression, which requires expanding the base of popular resistance and activating community solidarity, and forming social support networks that rely on existing family and community ties, to support those affected and displaced.

We also need to coordinate all efforts with Palestinian, Arab and international parties to confront the Zionist policies that exacerbate the humanitarian situation, and to pressure towards strengthening humanitarian support directed to Gaza and the West Bank within a vision that respects the dignity of the Palestinian people and does not conform to the occupation policies or make the people hostage to international aid. We also struggle for the necessity of developing the Palestinian health infrastructure, with a focus on providing psychological and social support to affected families, especially children who suffer from the consequences of trauma resulting from wars and attacks. Comrade Mazhar once again reminds us that the magnitude of the crime of comprehensive genocide requires more than just ideas of temporary support, to the concept of establishing a connected Arab and international network that takes on a struggle mission by communicating with the steadfast Palestinian networks, institutions and forces in our occupied land, especially in the Gaza Strip, and undertakes major missions and projects to enhance steadfastness and reconstruction, and real and deep investment in the Palestinian people and their solid social and struggle structures that are still a major part of the battle for Palestinian national liberation.