On the Developments of the Zionist Aggression, Particularly in Northern Gaza and the So-Called “Generals’ Plan” — Hamas

“Those to whom the people said, ‘Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.’ But it [only] increased them in faith, and they said, ‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.'”

Mercy to the convoys of our righteous martyrs in the Gaza Strip, the occupied West Bank, the city of Al-Quds, in the refugee camps and the diaspora in Lebanon, and on the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, whose blood has mingled, and whose souls have ascended in sacrifice and defense of the land and sanctities, with Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque at their heart.

Peace and greetings of heroism and steadfastness to our people in the Gaza Strip—patient, steadfast, and unwavering—despite the pain and aggression, continuing to paint a legendary image of the pride of our Palestinian people, who know neither defeat nor surrender.

Peace and greetings of pride and honor to the men of God, the heroic resistance fighters, in proud Gaza, the steadfast West Bank, and on the support fronts for our people and resistance everywhere.

For the 11th consecutive day, the criminal military campaign, ordered by the fascist occupation government, continues in the northern province, where hundreds of vehicles and thousands of soldiers, with immense firepower, are gathering to isolate the northern Gaza Strip from the city of Gaza, tightening the siege on it, with hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped inside. So far, more than 342 martyrs have ascended, most of them women and children.

What is happening today in the northern Gaza Strip, specifically in Jabalia and its refugee camp,  is a full-scale genocide. The terrorist occupation army is committing massacres against civilians, bombing homes over the heads of their residents, and targeting civilian infrastructure—streets, residential neighborhoods, bakeries, hospitals, and water wells.

Dozens of bodies remain under the rubble and lie in the streets of Jabalia and its camp, with rescue teams unable to retrieve them or reach the injured and those trapped in targeted areas. Meanwhile, the residents face a dire humanitarian situation, with the siege tightened and all means of life barred from entering the north.

These escalating crimes and massacres in the northern Gaza Strip come amidst reports confirming that the occupation government has begun implementing a new phase of the genocide, under the so-called “Generals’ Plan,” aimed at separating northern Gaza and displacing its residents. The latest revelation, reported by the Associated Press, includes details of this plan, which revolves around tightening the siege on northern Gaza, cutting off humanitarian aid to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians inside, denying them food and water, and labeling anyone remaining inside as combatants—meaning they could be targeted and killed after declaring the area a “closed military zone.”

Everything observed on the ground in terms of movements; of a complete siege, systematic bombardment, destruction of residential neighborhoods, creation of earth barriers, and the isolation of the governorate by fire and military vehicles from the city of Gaza, and what our people in the north of the Gaza Strip are facing in terms of tragic humanitarian conditions; all of this confirms that we are facing one of the most degenerate, brutal, and Nazi military plans known in modern history, devised by fascist generals devoid of any human morals or military honor, in a blatant violation and disregard for all international laws, treaties, and humanitarian norms.

We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), while we work diligently to save our people and stop this massacre, and as we continue our efforts to support the steadfastness of our people, we maintain our communications with friendly international parties, on the Arab and Islamic levels, and we affirm the following:

Firstly: The so-called criminal “Generals’ Plan,” implemented by the terrorist occupation government; it is the culmination of a full year of brutal genocide, during which the Nazi occupation army used all means of killing and terror, committing massacres that make humanity shudder, killing more than 42,289 of our people in the Gaza Strip, most of whom are children, women, and the elderly, and exercising all forms of pressure and terror, without being able to achieve any of its declared goals of subjugating our people and their resistance, compelling them to surrender, and abandoning their right to freedom and self-determination.

Secondly: These massacres are not a war; rather, they are complete crimes, and in addition to being a blatant aggression against our people, they are a flagrant violation of international laws, and a stark violation of international humanitarian law. The world today is called upon to stop these crimes and hold the leaders of the zionist entity accountable before the International Criminal Court and before war crimes courts.

Thirdly: The international community and its system, and the institutions of the United Nations, turning a blind eye to this grave crime, by displacing hundreds of thousands under the weight of killing, bombardment, starvation, and the prevention of all means of life; constitutes an unprecedented setback in the values and foundations upon which this system was built, revealing again the inability and failure of the international community to put an end to the arrogance, fascism, and crimes of the extremist occupation government and its terrorist army, thus threatening the survival of the international community system in the medium term, and what that implies in terms of repercussions.

In this context: we renew our call to the international community and the United Nations to overcome the binding American will, and to consider effective and clear measures to restrain this Nazi terrorist government, impose decisions that protect unarmed civilians, stop the genocide against them, and confront the occupation’s plans in the north of the Strip.

Fourthly: We hold the American administration fully responsible for these massacres and crimes and the ongoing genocide being committed daily against our people in the Gaza Strip, the intensification of the siege, and the killing of unarmed civilians in their tents and places of displacement. We affirm that the American positions calling daily for an end to this extermination, without practical translation and pressure on Netanyahu and his fascist government, have become one of the tools of this brutal war against our Palestinian people, confirming the clear involvement of the American administration in these massacres.

Fifthly: We call upon our Arab and Islamic countries, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to take urgent action and assume their political, moral, and humanitarian responsibilities in pressing seriously and effectively to stop the ongoing massacre in the Gaza Strip, to play their role in supporting our people and bolstering their steadfastness, to enforce their relief, and to provide the necessary aid to all areas of the Strip, especially our people in the north, and to enhance the steadfastness of our people and their resistance in confronting the plans of the zionist entity, which do not target only our people but extend to all countries in the region, according to the doctrine of the extremist fascist occupation government.

Sixthly: We call upon the sons of our Arab and Islamic nation, its organizations, bodies, and movements, and all the free and honorable people around the world, to take immediate and urgent action by all means, in the streets, squares, universities, and unions, to exert all pressures and influence to stop the aggression of the zionist occupation in killing and displacing our people. In this context, we call upon the leaders of opinion and scholars in our nation to work hard to activate the role of the nation and its movement in facing the zionist aggression and the American support for this aggression.

Seventhly: We reaffirm that this brutal plan known as the “Generals’ Plan” is doomed to failure. Just as all attempts by the occupation government and its fascist army have been shattered over a full year of genocide and crime, to subjugate our people or push them to emigrate or surrender; their plan in the north of the Strip will shatter against the rock of the firmness, will, and steadfastness of our patient people stationed in the north of the Gaza Strip, and the valor and courage of our heroic resistance, which will continue to confront the army of zionist terrorism in the field, confident in God, His victory, and His support.

In conclusion, we send a message of pride and honor to our steadfast people in the Gaza Strip, and we commend their legendary patience and heroic steadfastness on their land, throughout the Gaza Strip, in its north and south, and we are all with them on a near date to break the arrogance of this enemy and thwart the plans of its generals, by God’s grace, His strength, and support, and through your steadfastness, patience, and endurance.

“If you suffer, they suffer as you suffer; and you hope from Allah what they do not hope; and Allah is Knowing and Wise.”

Mercy and eternity for the martyrs, and speedy recovery for the injured and sick, and victory, with God’s permission, for our people and their resistance.

And indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)