Text of the Anarchist Fotis Tziotzis About His Vindictive Detention in the Garbage Dump of Grevena Prison (Greece)

I think that after 5 months of conscious silence, it’s time to say a few words about the general regime of detention that the repression mechanisms are building against me. The issues of Greek prisons are more or less known and not only are there no attempts to solve them, but they are constantly increasing. Prisoners suffer daily from the obvious indifference of the State, which is now clearly being supplemented by vindictiveness towards us.

Speaking about my own journey through prisons, about the vindictiveness and obsession with my person, I do not speak in terms of a victim, I do not speak with any predilection for regret or repentance. I speak as a recalcitrant prisoner, who for so many years does not give up, does not back down, is not touched by their tricks – in simple words, I do not even see them. For all these reasons, 4 months ago, they vengefully shuffled me from Domokos prison to the garbage dump of Grevena  prison (a condition that is beginning to become a norm for other prisoners as well), as a first punitive move against the events surrounding the attack with a trapped parcel on the scumbag-president of appeals Anastasia Anthopoulou in Thessaloniki.

Grevena, from a maximum security prison that it was in the past, began to methodically turn into a place of detention for moral offences. The result of all these tactics is that today only 3 cells “accommodate” prisoners for other crimes, while the overwhelming totality of the prison is full of garbage accused of rape, child rape, trafficking, lechery, etc. From the first day, the prison management assured me of the seemingly punitive nature of my transfer here, intending to send me soon to another prison, with more “normal” surroundings. And while other prisoners are escaping, the ministry is clearly showing its intention to crush me morally and psychologically by stubbornly keeping me here. It might be clear that we have no communication with trash prisoners, it might be clear that they do not step foot near us, but the atmosphere is foul, knowing that a few metres away from you sleep and breathe garbage with sick minds.

To sum up, I request immediate transfer to another prison with a normal environment around me, so that the tone changes. If not, for whatever happens from now on, the only ones responsible are the ministry and KEM. You can neither stop me nor silence me and that is what hurts you most. It hurts you that someone remains intact in his beliefs and does not compromise with you.

Everything continues or rather everything now begins

Because if you don’t get it, we will make you understand and you will respect us.

Fotis Tziotzis

C1 section, Grevena  prisons


via: athens.indymedia

Translated by Act for freedom now!