Resistance Factions Pay Tribute to Fallen Resistance Fighter, Sinwar


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most MercifulAnnouncement of the Martyrdom of the Mujahid Leader and Great National Symbol Yahya Al-Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim,” Commander of Al-Aqsa Flood Battle

“Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some are still waiting, and they have not changed in the least.”

With all the pride, dignity, and honor, the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, mourns to our Palestinian people, to our entire nation, and to the free people of the world, one of the noblest and bravest men, a man who dedicated his life for Palestine and gave his soul for the sake of Allah on the path to its liberation. He was true to Allah, and Allah was true to him, choosing him as a martyr alongside his fellow martyrs:

We mourn the great national leader, the Mujahid Martyr Brother Yahya Al-Sinwar (Abu Ibrahim), Head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Commander of Al-Aqsa Flood Battle

He rose as a heroic martyr, advancing and never retreating, wielding his weapon, engaging and confronting the occupation army at the frontlines. He moved between all combat positions, steadfast and stationed on the honored land of Gaza, defending the land of Palestine and its holy sites, inspiring the spirit of endurance, patience, steadfastness, and resistance.

Our great people, our Arab and Islamic nations, and the free people of the world:

The martyred leader Yahya Al-Sinwar lived as a mujahid, and from his youth, he carved his path within the ranks of Hamas, engaging in its resistance operations. During 23 years of imprisonment, he triumphed over the zionist jailer. After his release in the Wafa al-Ahrar deal, he continued his contributions, planning and fighting until his eyes witnessed, on October 7, 2023, the day of the great flood that shook the depths of the entity, exposing the fragility of its supposed security. The heroic epics of our people and the valor of our victorious resistance followed, until he attained the highest rank and the noblest medal, ascending as a witness and a martyr, content with the jihad and sacrifice he offered.

The martyr leader Yahya Al-Sinwar followed in the footsteps of great martyred leaders, including the founding martyr Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Dr. Abdelaziz Al-Rantisi, Al-Maqadmeh, Abu Shanab, Jamal Mansour, Jamal Saleem, the martyred leader Ismail Haniyeh, and his deputy Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri, along with the caravan of martyrs from all our leaders and people. We affirm that these sacrifices will continue to illuminate our path and drive us to more resilience and steadfastness. Hamas remains committed to the promise of its founding leaders and martyrs until the aspirations of our people are fully realized: the complete liberation and return, and the establishment of the Palestinian state on the entire national soil with Al-Quds as its capital, by Allah’s will. This will become a curse upon the invading occupiers who are strangers to this land.

Our great people, our Arab and Islamic nations, and the free people of the world:

The martyrdom of Brother Leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, along with all the leaders and icons of the movement who preceded him on the path of honor, martyrdom, and the project of liberation and return, will only strengthen Hamas and our resistance, making us more determined and steadfast in following their path, honoring their blood and sacrifices. A movement that offers its leaders and members as martyrs in defense of the rights of its people is a noble, genuine movement deeply rooted in its people.

To those lamenting the captured occupiers held by the resistance, we say: they will not return except with the cessation of aggression on Gaza, its withdrawal, and the release of our heroic prisoners from the occupation’s jails.

We continue in the path of Hamas, and the spirit of Al-Aqsa Flood will remain a living flame in the hearts of our people.

We remain faithful to your pledge, Abu Ibrahim, and your banner will never fall but will remain high and proudly raised.

Peace be upon you, Abu Ibrahim, the humble, devout, and pious man.
Peace be upon you, the prisoner.
Peace be upon you, the fighter.
Peace be upon you, the martyr.
Peace be upon you, for history will record that you wrote the first line in the war of liberation and the end of the occupation.

May Allah have mercy on you and grant you the highest place in paradise with the prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the righteous, and what excellent companions they are.

And it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas

Friday: 15 Rabi’ al-Akhir 1446 AH
Corresponding to: October 18, 2024 CE

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
“And do not consider those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead; rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”O sons of our struggling Palestinian people…
O masses of our Arab and Islamic nation:

The Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades exalts the ascension of the great martyr leader Yahya Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim”, leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, who ascended, advancing and not retreating, in the most honorable of battles in defense of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and our people and their legitimate rights. It is a source of pride for our movement to present leaders before soldiers, and for its leaders to lead the convoy of martyrs of our people who gave their lives and blood for the sake of Allah and on the path to liberating Palestine, and for its leader to be martyred among his fighting brothers, a hero engaged in combat with the invaders who thought that Gaza could be an easy prey for their cowardly army.

The journey of our leader, Abu Ibrahim, was an honorable jihadist journey, during which he was from the founding generation of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and its military and security apparatuses. He sacrificed the prime of his youth as a prisoner in the occupation’s prisons for more than twenty years before he was released with his head held high in the “Loyalty of the Free” deal. Once he was released from prison, he insisted on continuing the journey of jihad, refusing to rest. He supervised the movement’s military work in the three regions and had an important role in the path of unifying the resistance fronts on the road to Al-Quds. Then he headed the Movement in Gaza, and his leadership period constituted a qualitative shift in its advocacy, political and military journey that culminated in Al-Aqsa Flood and in the path of national relations and joint resistance work. He later led the movement at home and abroad following the martyrdom of the great leader Ismail Haniyeh.

When the resistance factions, with Hamas at the forefront, decided to enter this major, decisive battle in the history of the Palestinian people’s struggle and our nation’s journey, they knew the price of liberation was very high, a price all nations paid before freeing themselves from their occupiers. They were ready to lead the ranks of the sacrificers, offering both leaders and soldiers, refusing to submit to the enemy or remain silent about its oppression and theft of our people’s legitimate rights. Our jihad will not cease until Palestine is liberated, the last zionist is expelled, and all our legitimate rights are restored. The greatest proof is that after a year of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, our people have neither broken nor surrendered, despite the immense costs and the brutal genocidal crimes of the zionist entity.

This criminal enemy is delusional if it thinks that by assassinating the great leaders of the resistance such as Sinwar, Haniyeh, Nasrallah, Al-Arouri and others, it can extinguish the flame of the resistance or push it to retreat. Rather, it will continue and escalate until the legitimate goals of our people are achieved. Martyrdom is the highest thing our leaders desire, and their blood will be a beacon that lights the path to liberation and a fire that burns the aggressors. Our leaders have left behind hundreds of thousands of fighters from our people and our nation who are determined to confront the zionist occupation until Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque are cleansed of its filth and it is swept away from our land, Allah willing.

Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades – Palestine
Friday 15 Rabi’ al-Thani 1446 AH corresponding to 18/10/2024 AD

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front mourns the great national leader, the martyr and activist Yahya Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim”, head of the Hamas movement, architect of the Al-Aqsa Flood epic, and one of the most prominent symbols of the Palestinian struggle.

With great pride and honor, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in the name of its Secretary-General and his Deputy, mourns the hero of Palestine and its martyr, the great national leader, the fighter, the resistance fighter and the freed prisoner, the head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, the martyr and activist Yahya Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim”, the engineer of the epic of Al-Aqsa Flood and the hero of the Battle of Saif Al-Quds. He was martyred in a heroic clash in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, along with a number of his comrades, to join the caravan of the great martyrs of the homeland and the just cause of Palestine and the dignity and freedom of the Arab nation.

Palestine, the Palestinian national cause and struggle, the resistance factions and the entire nation have lost a great leader who never retreated. He spent his life in the midst of the resistance, fiercely defending the rights of his people and their land, embodying in his life an exceptional model of a fighter who is attached to the concerns of his people. His martyrdom while fighting in the front lines in defense of Palestine immortalizes him in the memory of the nation as an undefeated leader who did not hesitate to take his path to victory or the martyrdom he attained in the most honorable positions, fighting and defending his people.

The great martyr, through his struggle and positions, was a symbol of steadfastness, will, firmness, and an iron character that did not know submission or defeat. He played a pioneering role in the development of the resistance, and contributed effectively with a group of fighters from various factions in leading the prisoner movement during his long years of imprisonment, where he fought heroic battles against the prison administration, always emphasizing the unity of the resistance ranks in confronting the occupation, which he established in the present after his liberation.

The martyr proved his competence and courage in leading the military and political resistance, and did not retreat from any of the national constants. His voice was loud in defending the prisoners and the Palestinian cause, steadfast in his positions, and aware of the importance of national unity and joint resistance.

The Popular Front extends its sincere condolences to the family of the martyred leader Abu Ibrahim and to the brothers in the Hamas movement, stressing that the blood of the heroic leaders will not be wasted in vain, and that the martyrdom of the leader constitutes new fuel for the fire of resistance, and his pure blood will remain a witness that these people are not defeated, but rather their determination increases whenever the enemy tries to extinguish the flame of their struggle, and whenever the enemy thinks that by assassinating a leader it will eliminate the resistance, dozens of new leaders are born from his blood, more steadfast and determined, as experience has confirmed that the martyrdom of leaders does not stop the march, but rather consolidates it and ignites the arenas of confrontation, and this is what will happen.

Glory and eternity to the martyrs…and the inevitable victory for Palestine.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Office
October 18, 2024

Note – Graphic:
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine exalts the great national leader Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Al-Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim,” Head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” and the architect of the epic of the Al-Aqsa Flood and the most prominent symbols of the Palestinian struggle, who dismounted on Thursday, October 17, 2024, after engaging in an armed clash with the treacherous zionist gangs on the soil of the city of Rafah.

Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades:

“We vow to the days that you shall not be defeated… for victory grows where blood waters the soil.”The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades announces the martyrdom of the great national leader and combatant, martyr Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Al-Sinwar.

With great pride and honor, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, announces the martyrdom of the great national leader and combatant, the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and the architect of Al-Aqsa Flood battle, and one of the most prominent symbols of Palestinian struggle, the heroic martyr Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Al-Sinwar.

He was martyred while bearing his weapon and ammunition, advancing the front lines among his comrades and our fighters, engaging in combat with the treacherous zionist gangs on the sacred ground of Rafah, the city of heroism and sacrifice. With his blood, he wrote the most noble meanings of sacrifice, standing as a fierce defender of our Palestinian people, the Arab nation, and the downtrodden, and fighting against the continuous zionist aggression targeting our existence and our right to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea and all occupied Arab lands.

The great leader “Abu Ibrahim” was a model of a national, unifying, and resisting leader—one who would never compromise and who stood at the forefront of the confrontation. Despite the deep sorrow over the loss of this great leader, who never ceased his resistance, we affirm that this loss will only increase our determination and steadfastness to continue along the path of the martyrs in struggle and combat until the last drop of blood is shed for the complete liberation and expulsion of the occupation from all our national Palestinian soil. We will reclaim all the rights stolen from our people and recover the occupied Arab lands in Lebanon and Syria, avenging the blood of our martyrs and leaders.

To the masses of our people, our nation, and the free people of the world: Our war is a war of existence. No matter how deep the wounds, we fight with absolute and unwavering faith in our inevitable victory, not just with morale. This is our eternal message to our steadfast people and to all who believe in resistance as the path to liberation and victory.

In conclusion, we, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, extend our greetings to the Arab nation and all the free people of the world, and especially to our comrades and brothers in blood and struggle, and in the unity of fate—the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, and its military wing the Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, leadership, cadres, and fighters. We salute the spirit of the great leader Yahya Al-Sinwar and the souls of those who have lit the path to freedom and independence with their blood, on the noble path to Al-Quds. We also salute the hands still pressing on the trigger until freedom is achieved and the occupation is expelled.

Our vow is an eternal revenge that shall not fade.
Glory to the martyrs, freedom to the prisoners, and healing to the wounded.

Tomorrow, the fog will lift from the hills… and we shall surely be victorious.

Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades
The Military Wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
18 October, 2024

Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”And do not think of those who have been killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.Rejoicing in what Allah has granted them of His bounty, and they are receiving good tidings. Receiving good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them – that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.”

With all pride and honor, and with complete submission to
the will of Allah Almighty, and with complete confidence in Allah’s promise of His support to His believing servants, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine  mourns to our great Palestinian people, and to our Arabic and Islamic nation the martyrdom of the fighter leader Yahya Sinwar (Abu Ibrahim), the Palestinian national leader and head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The leader Sinwar spent his life fighting on the front lines, and was a symbol of our people’s resistance, inside and outside prisons, and in the battlefields and confrontations. Al-Quds and its blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and all of Palestine, resided in his heart and mind and were the focus of his jihad, and for them he launched the glorious Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood. It is a great honor for the martyr Sinwar to ascend, advancing and not retreating, alongside his fellow fighters, shoulder to shoulder in direct engagement with the enemy, confident in Allah’s victory, so he fulfilled the promise to continue until martyrdom or victory.

We are fully confident that the martyrdom of the leader Sinwar will increase the strength, steadfastness and determination of the resistance in Palestine and the region, and will only increase our people’s determination to adhere to their goals in confronting the aggression until victory is achieved and the aggression is defeated, just as the martyrdom of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, of the martyr Dr. Fathi Shaqaqi, of the leader Abdul Aziz Al-Rantisi and the leader Ismail Haniyeh provided the resistance with will and determination to complete the confrontation with the zionist project. The enemy will quickly discover that assassinating leaders will only bring him more defeats.

While we offer our deepest condolences to the Palestinian people and to our brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Al-Qassam Brigades, we are fully confident that our brothers in the Hamas movement and the Izz El Din al-Qassam Brigades will continue the path of jihad and resistance, and this will only increase their strength, determination and adherence to achieving the goals of the glorious Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

Indeed it is a Jihad; Victory or Martyrdom

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine – Media Office
Friday, 15th Rabi’ al-Thani 1446 AH, October 18, 2024 CE.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziyad Nakhaleh:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“And do not think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”Today, we mourn a great and distinguished leader of our Palestinian people, who spent his life as a fighter, leading from the frontlines and fighting in the cause of Allah. He never hesitated, never weakened, and never laid down his weapon. His martyrdom is a defining moment in the history of Palestinian struggle. He is the great leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, whose name is tied to the greatest battle the Palestinian people have fought throughout their long struggle: the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, with all it represents in terms of heroism, sacrifice, and devotion.

Today, we bid farewell to Abu Ibrahim as a leader and a martyr. The martyrs are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, and they remain alive in our path of jihad toward Al-Quds, with our banners held high and never bending.

The Palestinian people and the resistance will remain loyal to the path of resistance, faithful to the spirit of the great leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, an icon of jihad and resistance. They will carry his banner and spirit, proud of him as a leader and a fighter until martyrdom, and they will continue fighting on the path to Al-Quds, continuing as fighters until victory, Allah willing.

Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine,
Ziyad Nakhaleh.
Friday, 18/10/2024 – 15 Rabi’ al-Akhir 1446 Hijri

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Do not think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”
This is the Truth of Allah the Almighty.With the highest expressions of pride and honor, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement – Fatah, announces to our steadfast Palestinian people and to the free people of our Arab and Islamic nation the martyrdom of the national leader, freed prisoner, and fighter:

Yahya Ibrahim al-Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim”
Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas and leader of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle.

He ascended, advancing without retreat, after a life filled with jihad and resistance, humiliating the zionist entity, its settlers, leaders, and cowardly collaborators. He was always at the front lines of confrontation and engagement with the enemy and its soldiers. In this moment, we affirm the following:

First: The policy of assassinations targeting our leaders and fighters in Palestine and everywhere will not succeed in breaking the will of our people to attain their national rights to freedom and independence.

Second: As we extend the highest expressions of pride and honor to our people, to our brothers in arms in the Al-Qassam Brigades, and to the family of the martyr, we draw inspiration from the martyrdom of heroic leaders, which motivates us to continue on the path of struggle and national unity until complete victory and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds as its capital.

Third: We call on the masses of our people to unite and stand in solidarity in this critical phase of our people’s journey, by strengthening resilience, resisting the occupation, rejecting all plots aiming to liquidate our cause, and maintaining political and geographical unity between Gaza and the West Bank, including al-Quds as the capital, as one political and sovereign entity.

Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs.

And it is indeed a revolution until victory.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – the military wing of the Fatah movement

Friday, 15th Rabi’ al-Thani 1446 AH / Corresponding to 18th October 2024 AD

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) issued a statement on the martyrdom of the great national leader and head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, stating: The great national leader Yahya Al-Sinwar (Abu Ibrahim) has been martyred, watering the land of Palestine with his pure blood, fighting until the last moment, a freedom fighter defending his land, loyal to his people until the very end, and committed to his national dignity. He refused to surrender or compromise, continuously raising the flag of resistance, steadfastness, and resilience, leading the resistance and standing at the forefront of his unwavering people in the face of the criminal and fascist army, always believing that the path of the fighter leads to one of two outcomes: victory or martyrdom.The great national martyr leader, Yahya Al-Sinwar, who succeeded his comrade-in-struggle, martyr Ismail Haniyeh, as the head of the political bureau of Hamas, is one of the great leaders for whom words fail to rise to the appropriate level in bidding farewell. He was a man of action and deeds, and when he spoke, he spoke truthfully. His greatest pride is that he rightfully earned his place as the leader of the “Flood of the Free,” not only in Palestine but across the entire world.

We share our heartfelt condolences with our dear brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, as well as with all the people of our nation and the free people of the world on his martyrdom. We affirm that this great loss will only serve as an additional driving force, pushing our resilient and heroic people and their valiant resistance to greater unity and determination in continuing the path of struggle and comprehensive confrontation against the American-“israeli” alliance and its destructive project, remaining faithful to the message that the great national leader launched at the dawn of October 7th. This message aimed to spread the flood of resistance over every inch of Palestine, a free homeland for its people, driving out the occupation and the settlers, stained with the disgrace of utter defeat.

Central Media
October 17, 2024

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command:

On the martyrdom of the great Palestinian leader, Yahya Sinwar.In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Do not think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”
This is the Truth of Allah the Almighty.

The initiator of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa opens with his martyrdom the gate to a new phase of victory.
With great pride and honor, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command announces to our Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic nation the martyrdom of the great and creative leader, Yahya Sinwar, the launcher of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, the head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas Movement.

It congratulates our people and his brothers, the leaders and fighters of the Hamas Movement, on this blessed martyrdom of the leader of the battle of liberation, who rose as a martyr while fighting until the last moment to be a model of the inspiring leader whose blood will ignite the flame of the Flood of Al-Aqsa—just as the blood of the great leader, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, glowed on the road to Al-Quds, as did the blood of the great martyr leader, the fighter Ismail Haniyeh, and his companion, the great fighter leader Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri, and all the martyr leaders in the Battle of the Flood of Freedom.

We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command are absolutely confident that the Hamas movement will grow stronger, more resilient and more capable of continuing the march of the martyred leaders, and that our steadfast, great people, despite the harshness of the battle, will remain the incubator of the struggle for their resistance. They will foil all the illusions of the enemy who deludedly believes that the Nazi war of extermination that they are waging against our Palestinian people and against the Lebanese people and their resistance and the policy of assassinating leaders may achieve their alleged goals of eliminating the resistance and drawing a new map for a humiliated Middle East.

Glory to the martyrs and victory to the resistance.
And a revolution until the liberation of the land and people.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command

Mujahideen Movement:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”And do not think of those who have been killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”

With complete submission to Allah’s will and His decree, and with many verses of jihad and sacrifice and the highest meanings of pride and dignity, the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement and its military wing, the Mujahideen Brigades, mourn the martyr, the great national leader and fighter, Yahya Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim,” head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement who ascended to the highest heavens as a martyr, engaged and advancing, not retreating, in a direct confrontation and clash with the forces of the cowardly zionist enemy in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

Today we bid farewell to the leader Yahya Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim” who set a living model with boldness, sacrifice and selflessness after a long jihadist journey he spent resisting the hateful zionist occupation and defending the just rights of his people and defending the sanctities of the nation in Palestine to join the ranks of our people’s martyrs in the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa on the road to Al-Quds and liberation and to join the martyr leaders Al-Yassin, Haniyeh, Al-Shaqaqi, Abu Sharia, Abu Ammar, Abu Ali Mustafa and all the martyrs of our people and nation who illuminated with their pure blood the path of victory, liberation and salvation, and for his pure blood to mix with the blood of the martyrs of the Lebanese people and the blood of His Eminence the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his fellow leaders. We, in the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement and its military wing, the Mujahideen Brigades, offer our condolences and blessings to our brothers in the Hamas Movement, the family of the martyred fighter “Abu Ibrahim”, all our people, all the free people of the world, and the supporters of the resistance. As we bid farewell to our martyred, valiant leader today, we affirm that the ascension of leaders and the cowardly zionist assassination operations will only increase our determination and insistence on continuing the path of resistance and the path of thorns until the occupation is swept from every inch of our land, and will only increase our adherence to our right to Palestine, all of Palestine, no matter how great the challenges are.

The criminal enemy must realize that it is in an open battle with all the spectrums of our people and the pillars of our nation, and the Nazi entity and its extremist terrorist government must pay a heavy price for this crime and all the hideous zionist crimes against our people. We also call on all our people’s resistance fighters and fighters to pour out their anger towards the zionist enemy and its settler gangs and make it pay the price for the cowardly crimes, and let it be a comprehensive uprising towards salvation and liberation.

Allah is the greatest, and glory belongs to Allah, to His Messenger, and to the believers. Allah is the greatest, and victory is the ally of the fighters.

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement
Central Media
Friday – 15 Rabi` al-Akhir 1446 AH
Corresponding to October 18, 2024 AD

Popular Resistance Committees and Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some of them are still waiting. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] in any way.”
That is the great truth of Allah Almighty.With the highest expressions of pride, honor, determination, and steadfastness on the path of jihad and resistance, the Resistance Committees in Palestine and their military wing, Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades, represented by their Secretary General, Brother Fighter Abu Yasser Al-Shishani, their central leadership, and all organizational bodies, exalt to our people, our Arab and Islamic nation, and the free people of the world, the inspiring martyr, the great Islamic jihad leader:

Hajj Yahya Al-Sinwar, “Abu Ibrahim,” Head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas and leader of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood,

Who ascended facing the enemy, not fleeing, after a life filled with jihad and resistance, humiliating the zionist entity, its settlers, its cowardly leaders, and their collaborators. He was on the front lines of confrontation and engagement with the enemy and its soldiers.

The martyrdom of the inspiring leader, Hajj Abu Ibrahim Al-Sinwar, who ascended facing the enemy, pressing the trigger, wearing his keffiyeh and vest, and in the front lines of confrontation and the lines of fire and engagement with the zionist enemy, is a powerful message, sealed with pure blood, that victory, honor, and dignity are only written with blood, fire, and gunpowder.

The inspiring leader, Hajj Abu Ibrahim Al-Sinwar, will remain the beating heart of the nation, alive with revolution, resistance, and determination. His name will forever be linked to the image of humiliation and defeat that has enveloped the entire zionist entity and its allies, foremost among them the head of terrorism, the United States of America, and the oppressive West.

We offer condolences to our people and all the heroes of resistance and fighters in the arenas of confrontation with the zionist enemy in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, the lands occupied in 1948, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and Iran, on the martyrdom of the great Islamic leader, Hajj Abu Ibrahim Al-Sinwar. We affirm that his pure blood will ignite the revolution into flames, fire, and a volcano of rage until victory and liberation are achieved.

We extend our condolences to our brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, its Political Bureau, and all its fighters and warriors in the Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, who hold the banner of dignity, challenge, and confrontation, and are committed to the legacy of resistance and revolution, whose flames will never die out.

A pledge to the great Islamic martyr leader, Abu Ibrahim Al-Sinwar: We will remain true to the legacy of your resistance until the removal of the vile zionist entity from our blessed land, from the river to the sea.

“And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know.”

Resistance Committees in Palestine and their military wing, Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades.

Friday, Rabi’ al-Akhir 14, 1446 Hijri
October 18, 2024

 Hezbollah Leadership:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some of them are still waiting, and they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] in any way.”
This is the truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.We extend our deepest condolences to the struggling and oppressed Palestinian people, to our brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, to our Arab and Islamic nation, and to every fighter, resistor, and free person in this world, on the martyrdom of the leader of the Al-Aqsa Flood, the head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement, Brother Fighter Yahya Al-Sinwar, may Allah’s mercy be upon him. We specifically offer our heartfelt condolences to his noble and sacrificing family, praying that Allah grants them patience, solace, and the best rewards in the hereafter.

The martyred leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, who took up the responsibility and leadership torch from the martyred leader Ismail Haniyeh to continue the path of resistance, giving, and sacrifice alongside the heroic fighters and brave resistors, stood steadfast against the American project and the zionist occupation, offering his blood in that cause until he achieved martyrdom and attained the highest ranks of honor and human perfection.

We, in the leadership of Hezbollah, who are facing the consequences of the criminal zionist aggression alongside our resilient and resisting Lebanese people, reaffirm our solidarity with the Palestinian people. We have full confidence in the divine promise and the victory destined for His faithful servants. We ask Allah Almighty to accept our dear martyr with His vast mercy and forgiveness, and to strengthen the hearts of the fighters who are promised victory, dignity, and freedom.

Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return.

Resistance News Network
A freed prisoner, a leader, a fighter, a martyr.
Yahya Sinwar refused but to ascend in his own way, clashing until the last moment, donning a military vest and kuffiyeh. He ascended to martyrdom on the front lines in Rafah, in an armed clash in which the IOF admitted a soldier was wounded.While all the global forces of evil demanded Yahya’s head, he made them work for it. In their rage, they searched for him for over a year, stumbling upon him in the end only by chance, where all the intelligence in the world had failed. But Yahya, Abu Ibrahim, was not hiding in tunnels, nor surrounded by captives, nor was he surrounded by Palestinian civilians, despite the unforgivable claims in the zionist, Western, and zionist Arab media. No, he stood above ground, fighting for his people and with his people, suffering and starving as they did.

Next to him were simple items: Mentos mints, Islamic books, ID cards, and a pistol. Yet, this was not any pistol; it was the pistol of an IOF officer seized during the heroic Edge of the Sword operation in which the IOF failed to infiltrate Khan Younis in 2018 and martyr Sheikh Nour Baraka ascended.

He became the first leader of a Palestinian faction to have ascended in a zero-distance armed clash, offering his precious and most valuable to launch the blessed Flood out of a deep love and care for his people. Through sacrifice, Yahya changed the world, demanding his people be liberated. In Glorious October, Yahya was born on the 29th, liberated from prison on the 18th, launched the Flood on the 7th, and ascended on the 17th.

A shell was fired. Yahya lived. Another shell—Yahya lived.
A drone came. Yahya lived. A sniper shot him in the head.
Yahya lived.

‎يحيى في كل القلوب يحيا
Yahya, you live in every heart.

Scream of Al-Quds Brigades in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

In the name of Allah, who binds the hearts of the believers.As for what follows… bravery is not mourned, and martyrdom is an honor for those who choose the path of hardship.

Today, in the Scream of Al-Quds Brigades, we announce the martyrdom of the brave, clashing leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, a martyr on the path to Al-Quds.

After a lifetime spent mostly carrying the concerns of his people, working and struggling so that Palestinians may attain their rights by removing the occupation, ending injustice, and breaking the power of the usurpers, he gave himself in pursuit of liberating the second of the two Qiblas.

He lived a living martyr and passed on as a living martyr.

Islamic Resistance in Iraq
Scream of Al-Quds Brigades

October 18, 2024
Rabi’ al-Akhir 14, 1446