Towards Autonomous, Intergenerational Communities on U.S.-Occupied Territory

We find ourselves situated in a time when the u.s. Empire is deteriorating unevenly, unpredictably, but…

Historic Speech About Black Liberation Army Ancestor Sekou Odinga

The Schomburg Center for Research & Black Culture hosted an event on June 8th  with family,…

Revolutionary Notes from the Western Front

The international liberation struggles of colonized people in nations like Haiti, Palestine, as well as Indigenous…

Reflections on the Legacy and Modern-Day Impact of Malcolm X

The contributions of Malcolm X to African liberation cannot be understated. With the recent celebrations of the…

America in the Age of Crisis

This article is published in two parts. Below is the second, final installation. Makandal is a…

The Rise and Fall of Baby Boomer Zionism

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have forced open a chasm of outrage between peoples and regimes…