A Necessary Complicit Dialogue, Words of Comrade Francisco Solar from Prison.

Violent actions burst into the social landscape, causing the anarchic message to spread and generate the…

Words by Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation from August 10 to 17, 2024

It is important to understand that the Power is applying solitary confinement as an intra-prison regime…

(Chile) Incendiary Attack on RED Bus at Universidad de Chile (JGM) in Solidarity with Francisco Solar

On Wednesday, August 14, a group of hooded comrades left the Juan Gómez Milla campus to…

Let’s Get Francisco Out of Isolation: Campaign and Week of Agitation for Francisco Solar

The extreme isolation in which the gendarmerie keeps the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar, sentenced to 86…

(Uruguay) Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar

From the territory in conflict with the uruguayan State, we join the campaign against the isolation…