Update From the 2nd Session of the Trial of Comrades From the Battle at the Squatted Prosfygika

Update from the 2nd session (1-11-2024) of the trial of the arrested comrades from the battle…

The Ruptures of Militant Anarchism in Brazil

“Where we come from and where we are going”: a reflection on Brazilian anarchism, then and…

Chile: A Death in Action is an Eternal Call to Struggle

Letter to the comrades of Kyriakos and Marianna. Kyriakos has left us, he died in an…

Rojava Was Anna’s Purpose in Life

Kobanê witnessed one of the greatest resistances in history. It was liberated on 26 January2015, and 1…

Call for Emergency Meeting in Solidarity With the Injured Anarchist Comrade Marianna M: Athens, Greece

We are calling for an emergency meeting in solidarity with the injured anarchist comrade Marianna M.,…

Towards the Last Intifada: A Statement on Palestine by Anarchists

As anarchists living in the belly of the United States empire, we are committed to meaningful…

Anarchists Attack Oakland Whole Foods for Palestine

In honor of the martyrs and the one year anniversary of the beginning of Al-Aqsa Flood,…

Alfredo Out of 41 Bis. Hands off the Anarchist Publications

From La Nemesi Original title: Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications. Solidarity…

Italy: End of Judicial Control for Anarchists in Bezmotivny Trial

Between July and August, all the judicial control measures that remained in place for the eight…

Anarchists Against Counter-Revolution

There has been a disturbing trend within anarchism in the last few years. It could be…