(Chile) Barricades in Solidarity with Prisoners and in Memory of Comrades Lupi, Tortuga and Belén

Hooded people set up barricades in the commune of Maipú, with the impetus to demonstrate in…

(Chile) Barricades and Molotovs at the Juan Gómez Millas Campus, Ñuñoa.

On Thursday, December 5, hooded people erected barricades on Av. Macul and clashed with the police…

(Chile) Incendiary Outing at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa.

On Thursday, December 5, hooded people erected barricades and clashed with the police (COP) with Molotov…

Molotov Attacks on Police by Anarchists in Chile

(Chile) Incendiary outing at Ex-pedagogico (UMCE) in memory of Macarena Valdés and Manuel Gutiérrez On Friday,…

To the Memory of an Anarchist Warrior. Farewell Words to Belén Navarrete

Words read during the funeral of the anarchist comrade Belén Navarrete Tapia. Wednesday, August 21 and…

A Farewell to the Anarchist Comrade Belén Navarrete

“On the afternoon of August 21 we heard the terrible news of the death of an…