(Chile) 5th Commemoration of Jorge Mora, el Neco.

Excerpted from Frente Fotográfico On January 28, 2020, after the match between Colo-Colo and Palestino, a…

Interview between synthesis anarchists Boina Anarquista in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia

1. What motivates you to create this counter-information newspaper? A: Hello, good day. Well, the platform…

Chile: Interview with the band La Lira Libertaria

Interview between the band La Lira Libertaria in Chile and JURNAL ANARKI in Indonesia. 1. What…

(Chile) Barricades in Solidarity with Prisoners and in Memory of Comrades Lupi, Tortuga and Belén

Hooded people set up barricades in the commune of Maipú, with the impetus to demonstrate in…

Héctor Llaitul: “The Current Government Has Become More and More Functional and Servile to the Interests of the Great Capital”

Héctor Llaitul, leader of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), sentenced to 23 years in prison under…

Former Chilean Guerrilla Detained Then Set Free by Bolivian Zuthorities

Former Chilean guerrilla Pablo Muñoz Hoffman of the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), who was captured…

17 Years After the Murder of Matías Catrileo: Héctor LLaitul Reflects on Mapuche Struggle and Legacy of the Weychafe

In an exclusive interview for Werken Noticias, conducted from inside the bio-bio prison of Concepción through…

17 Years After the Murder of Weichafe Matías Catrileo/ Testimony of the CAM

Temuco, La Araucanía Region, Chile · Another year without our peñi weichafe Matías Valentin Catrileo Quezada…

Mónica Caballero: May the Memory of the Weichafe Be Transformed into Fuel

Words by Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda, Anarchist Prisoner Ideas are the fuel that gives the necessary energy…

MRTA Statement on Death of Alejandro Astorga Valdés, Internationalist and Tupacamarista Comrade

Alejandro Astorga Valdés. An Internationalist at the Service of the Great Homeland In resignation, there is…