Makhno in the Service of the Ukrainian War Effort

The state often makes use of its former opponents once they are safely dead and no…

Alfredo Out of 41 Bis. Hands off the Anarchist Publications

From La Nemesi Original title: Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications. Solidarity…

Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Protectors of the Citizen”

The quality of those who were charged with persecuting us, with the pursuit of the Revolutionary…

Rally in Memory of Antifascist Rapper Pavlos Fyssas in Karditsa, Greece

From the microphone gathering that took place on Wednesday 18/09/24 in the central square of the…

Italy: End of Judicial Control for Anarchists in Bezmotivny Trial

Between July and August, all the judicial control measures that remained in place for the eight…

Anarchist Comrade Claudio Lavazza Is Now Free

We are informed that comrade Claudio Lavazza has been released from his abduction in Mont de…

In the Long Hot Summer, Ukrainian and Russian Soldiers Broke Records for the Growth of Desertions

Historical processes are happening right before our eyes Author Submitted by Thunderbird on September 6,…

Interview with Basque Political Prisoners on Demand for Total Amnesty

Three Basque political prisoners, Garikoitz Etxeberria Goikoetxea, Jon Kepa Preciado Izarra and Mikel Sansebastian, offered to…

Serres, Greece: Arson Attack on a Bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy.

Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy In the…

France: Call for a Month of Action for Georges Abdallah

On October 7, the court for the execution of sentences will hold a hearing in Lannemezan…