The Indigenous Peasant Resistance Before the EZLN: the Genesis of a ‘Very Other Revolution.’

The history of Chiapas is unique; there the most conservative elites of the region who were…

EZLN Denounces Cartels Clash in Chiapas over Protection Racket for Mayan Train and Trans-Isthmus Corridor

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation spoke out against President López Obrador’s megaprojects, highlighting that they…


Let us recommence, then with some aphorisms from decades ago. See if what was said then,…

The EZLN and “Mrs. Civil Society”: Thirty Years of Knowing One Another

The EZLN has made multiple rapprochements with Mexican and international civil society during all these years.…

A Pick and a Spade: On Solidarity, Empathy and Courage

Solidarity with what is far away – and I am not referring to geography, but to…

José Díaz Gómez, EZLN Support Base, is Free!!

Solidarity action succeeded in freeing José Díaz from the clutches of the oppressive system. It is…

Three Caracoles for Thirty Years

First Caracol Old Antonio used to say that the sky has to be held up so…

Let us Suppose, Without Conceding…

Let us suppose, without conceding, that you can imagine the following: You were born to a…

Shall We Begin Again?

A fig-tree scuffs the breeze with sandpaper branches. The mountain, a thieving cat, bristles its sour…

Statement for Immediate Release of José Díaz Gómez, EZLN Support Base: FREEDOM NOW!

Individuals, collectives, organizations, peoples, communities and adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle raise…