EZLN: 30 Years of Dignified Rage

Is rage the bridge between pain and rebellion? At what point does anguish, despair, helplessness turn…

Declaration in Defense of Water, Land and Life, 4th National Assembly for Water and Life

4th NATIONAL ASSEMBLY for WATER AND LIFE 23 and 24 March 2024. La Magdalena Tlaltelulco, Tlaxcala…

Global Action: On the 105th Anniversary of the Assassination of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar

On the 105th Anniversary of the Assassination of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar, we demand: WATER, LAND…

Here We Are. 30 Years of Revolution. — Zapatista

In a changing world, the EZLN revolution is a continuous, although transformative, element that remains firm…

The Perserverance of Dignity

Young Liria nodded excitedly with a smile that lit up her face like the Mayan sun.…

Community Members Call To Form “Alliance for Security and Good of our Territories” in Chiapas

Community members from the municipality of Nicolás Ruiz called to form an alliance of resistance against…

FPDTA-MPT Communiqué 5 Years After Samir’s Murder: The Pieces Are Seen but Not Touched

To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation To the National Indigenous Congress-Indigenous Council of Government To…

Frayba Demands Release of Six Indigenous in Chiapas

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Center for Human Rights (Frayba) has demanded the release of…

Reports of New Armed Attack Against BAEZLN in Ocosingo

Mexico City | Desinformémonos. Residents of the autonomous region of Moisés y Gandhi, Chiapas, reported a…

The Acting Prophecy of the Zapatista Communities

The EZLN did not listen to the song of the sirens. Good thing. Ever since it…