HPG Pays Tribute to Guerrillas Bêrîtan Şemsê and Garzan Tolhildan

The People’s Defense Forces (HPG) have announced the deaths of two guerrillas in Zap. Bêrîtan Şemsê…

One Turkish Soldier Killed in Guerrilla Action in Zap

The Press Office of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) released a statement providing information about the…

Memories of Zap from HPG Guerrilla Erdal Bagok

HPG guerrilla Erdal Bagok told our agency Nuçe Ciwan about the resistance of the guerrillas in…

HPG Exposes the Facts Concealed by the Occupying Turkish State

In a written statement on Tuesday, the Press Liaison Centre of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG)…

HPG Pays Tribute to Guerrillas Rodî and Şêrawa

The Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) has announced the identities of the guerrillas…

HPG Releases Balance Sheet for March: 43 Occupiers Killed

The Press Liaison Centre of the HPG (People’s Defense Forces) released the balance sheet of the…

PKK Guerrillas Launch Multiple Attacks Against Turkish Forces in Zap Region and Afrin

The Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement informing about the war…

HPG Pays Tribute to Guerrilla Commander Edessa Cejna

Guerrilla commander Edessa Cejna died in an enemy attack in Dersim in October 2023. The press…

HPG: 25 Soldiers Killed in Guerrilla Actions Against Turkish Occupiers

The Media and Communication Centre of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement providing the…

Revolutionary Guerrilla Operations That Stunned the Turkish Army

The revolutionary operations of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla against the occupying Turkish army continue unabated. The…