MAK Destroys a Turkish Military Point in Amed

The Kurdistan Freedom Militia (Milîsên Azadiya Kurdistanê-MAK) announced that a bomb attack was carried out against…

Glory to the Revolutionary Steel Will That Remained Silent, Commemorating the 51st Year of Immortality: MLKP

Seeing that the freedom struggle of the Kurdish people against colonialism will merge with the freedom…

HBDH Necmi Öner Militia; “We Organized a Sabotage Action Against a Truck Belonging to Fascists in Kocaeli!”

On May 19, at around 23:00, we carried out a sabotage action against a truck loaded…

Guerrillas Continue Their Actions Against Turkish Occupation Forces

The Pres Office of People’s Defense Forces released a statement providing information about the latest actions…

HPG: Guerrillas Continue to Resist Turkish Attacks in South Kurdistan

The press center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement about the war…

“Create two, three, many Vietnams!” – The First Tricontinental Conference of 1966

The first solidarity conference of the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the Tricontinental Conference,…

MAK Carried Out Action Against Police Headquarters in Nusaybin

The Kurdistan Freedom Militia (Milîsên Azadiya Kurdistan-MAK) said in a statement they carried out an action…

KBDH Spokesperson Hevi Sarya: İbrahim Kaypakkaya Represented a Line of Rupture

Mahir, Denizler and İbrahim Kaypakkaya, who played the icebreaker role of the long-term politics of silence…

Turkish Army Launches Operations in Lice and Van, HPG Warns Village Guards in Medya Defense Zones

, The occupying Turkish state launched a comprehensive military operation from air and land in Şehîd…

The First Militant, the First Comrade, the First Martyr

The years in which Haki Karer began to study at the university were the years of…