Şerker: Action is the Only Way Against Fascism

Member of the PKK Youth Committee, Ozgur Şerker, says that the only way to struggle against…

“For Me, Women’s Freedom is More Valuable Than the Freedom of the Homeland” — Internationalist Commune

In order to lead a meaningful life, we must respect women and their role in social…

Guerrillas Shot Down a Turkish UCAV in Asos

The Press Liaison Centre of the HPG (People’s Defense Forces) stated that an ANKA-type UCAV (Unmanned…

HPG: 11 Turkish Soldiers Were Killed in Actions by the Guerrillas

The People’s Defence Forces (HPG) released a statement providing information about the ongoing resistance against the…

Nisêybin and Geverde Action from MAK: Turkey

  In a written statement, MAK (Milîsên Azadiya Kurdistan — Kurdish Freedom Militia) announced that while…

HPG Releases Balance Sheet of War for May: 43 Soldiers Killed, 1 UCAV Shot Down

The Press Liaison Centre of the HPG (People’s Defense Forces) released the balance sheet of the…

HBDH Civil Lightning Militia; “We Set Fire to a Factory in Basaksehir, Istanbul!”

On May 23, at around 08:30 in the morning, the warehouse section of a factory producing…

The Spirit of Gezi is the Spirit of the United Revolution

Exactly 11 years ago, peoples, workers and laborers, women and youth; In short, the last great…

Guerrillas Talk About Being Exposed to Turkish Chemical Weapons

The historic resistance of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla against the attacks by the Turkish army in…

Şehîd Kasim Engîn – Long Live Socialism!

Kasim Engîn (Ismail Nazlikul) was a socialist, historian and guerrilla commander. He was martyred as a…