On the Subject: The Storm and the Day After. Afterword. Part One. The Hypothesis (Or Was it the Hypotenuse?)

Part One.  The Hypothesis (or was it the hypotenuse?) You will excuse me if I do…

Call for International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistance 2024-2025. Theme: The Storm and the Day After

The Assembly of Collectives of Zapatista Autonomous Governments (ACEGAZ), the Zapatista communities and the EZLN call…

There are People Like This…

In the different corners of the world and all over the planet, in the parts and…

Cracking the Communal Core

The armed attacks perpetrated by criminal organizations in indigenous communities in Chiapas, Chihuahua and Michoacán are…

Memory and Rage: Zapatista Army

To the mothers, fathers, classmates, companions and companions of the Missing of Ayotzinapa: To those who…

We Denounce the Increase in Violence Against Members of Frayba

We denounce the increase in violence against members of Frayba • Breaking and entering, death threats,…

A Marathon in the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast

Weeks ago, the Zapatista youth groups had meetings to see how they could promote the theme…

Indigenous Women From Five Collectives, Concerned About the Spread of Organized Crime in Their Communities

Indigenous women from five different collectives said they were concerned about the rise of organized crime…

Indigenous Women, an Example of Resistance

On September 5, the International Day of Indigenous Women is commemorated with the intention of highlighting…

Independent Media Organizations are Fed up With Constant Harassment by the Mexican Government

Grassroots, independent, autonomous media or whatever you want to call us, are in resistance to the…