Graffiti at United Nations in Solidarity with Chilean Anarchists

For context, see this info about Monica Caballero & Francisco Solar from the June 11 website:…

NYC Activists Target Magellan Aerospace Corp with Graffiti

Action report: Autonomous NYC Activists target Magellan Aerospace Corp in Queens, which contracts with Lockheed Martin…

Crucial Court Hearing for Miguel Peralta Scheduled for June 19th

Call for solidarity for the unconditional freedom of Indigenous anarchist Miguel Peralta. To the people and…

Sean Swain’s June 11th Statement

June11… Abolish EVERYTHING By Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain When I saw the parole board in August…

Retaliation Attack on Oakland Federal Building

Windows were smashed and a firebomb was allegedly lit at the Federal Building in downtown Oakland,…

The Challenges of Zapatismo Today: Cartels, Government and Militarization

The celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising, between December 30, 2023 and January…

Marius Mason Needs Urgent Support

Marius Mason is an activist serving a 22 year sentence after being found guilty of arson…

Historic Speech About Black Liberation Army Ancestor Sekou Odinga

The Schomburg Center for Research & Black Culture hosted an event on June 8th  with family,…

NYU Campus Cop Cars Disabled

Earlier this week, in response to calls for escalation from our besieged comrades in Gaza, a…

The Pigs Can Try, But They’ll Never Stop Us: On the Police Raid of UMich’s Gaza Encampment

After 30 days and multiple sweep alarms that did not materialize, UMPD finally evicted the Ann…