Mexico City | Desinformémonos. Residents of the autonomous region of Moisés y Gandhi, Chiapas, reported a…
Tag: north america
Community of Santa María Ostula Denounces the Continuous Attacks by the CJNG in Their Community
We would like to inform you that the attacks by the criminal group Cartel Jalisco Nueva…
Red Paint Tossed On Police Vehicles At Brooklyn Precinct – Brooklyn, NY
“A Brooklyn precinct parking lot. The red symbolizes the blood on the hands of the US…
Traces of Zapatismo in Latin America: From the Rising to Sowing
Three decades after the uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), on January 1st,…
The Women’s Revolutionary Law: A New Justice for Indigenous Women
The Women’s Revolutionary Law, enacted by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) thirty years ago…
Machines Burned at Urban Alchemy Construction Site in North Portland
We burned bulldozers and excavators being used to build another Urban Alchemy site in North Portland,…
Clashes between Military and Residents of Chicomuselo, Chiapas; Opposition to Entry of Armed Forces
January 16th, 2024 Residents of the Nueva América community in Chicomuselo, Chiapas, clashed with elements of…
Updates on Rashid and the Red Onion Hunger Strike
Update from Rashid’s support committee, dated 16 January: “I was able to speak to Rashid and…
The Acting Prophecy of the Zapatista Communities
The EZLN did not listen to the song of the sirens. Good thing. Ever since it…