The MLKP in Rojava Establish New Military Force: Martyr Metin Dîcle Battalion

The MLKP in Rojava establish a new military force: the Martyr Metin Dîcle Battalion. This force…

US-Marcos Regime Guilty of Unspeakable Atrocities

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP),  Philippine National Police (PNP),  NTF-ELCAC and paramilitary forces under…

Rojava is a Women’s Revolution! We Will Grow it and Fight For Hope For the Peoples of the World! — KBDH

Today, we are celebrating one of the most glorious victories in the history of the peoples…

The Spirit of Gezi is the Spirit of the United Revolution

Exactly 11 years ago, peoples, workers and laborers, women and youth; In short, the last great…

African Liberation Day and the Necessity of Revisiting our Compass

African Liberation Day should serve as a time to ground ourselves in the history of our…

DKP/BÖG Immortals’ Week Statement

The history of the struggle for revolution and socialism is a history that has been carried…

We Are in the Midst of the Battle for the Liberation of Africa

Africa is waking up, but the money-hungry politicians are asleep and do not know how to…

Dhoruba bin-Wahad: The Black Liberation Army and Hamas

Transcribed text from a recent discussion with Black Liberation Army (BLA) and Black Panther Party member…

“The Colonialist, Capitalist, Male-Dominated and Fascist Orders Will Bring Humanity to the Brink of Disaster, Extinction and Barbarism”

The MLKP, Hüseyin Demircioğlu Academy Command, made a written statement on 1 May International Workers’ Day.…

Human Costs and Unexpected Consequences of a Revolution

On the night of August 21, 1791, the slaves of the French colony of Saint-Domingue, then…