Mapuche Political Prisoner Facundo Jones Huala Declares Dry Hunger Strike

To the Mapuche nation and to public opinion in general. From the autonomous Mapuche movement of…

Bolivia: A Coup Attempt With Hints From the North

The Bolivian government of Luis Arce was on the verge of being overthrown by a military…

The Bolivian People Rise Up Against Coup

On the afternoon of Wednesday June 26 it was officially declared that the attempted military coup…

Numerous Incendiary Actions at Universities and Schools in Memory of Anarchist Comrade Mauricio Morales — Chile

(Chile) Incendiary actions at Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño, Liceo 7 and Instituto Nacional in memory of…

Political Declaration of the Sixth Congress of the ELN

The National Liberation Army gathered at the Sixth Congress greets Colombia and the peoples of the…

Mapuche Political Prisoner Héctor Llaitul on Hunger Strike

On June 13, the Gendarmerie filed an appeal for protection in favor of the convicted historical…

Words From Espacio Fénix in Memory of Mauricio Morales: Chile

Words from Espacio Fénix in memory of Mauricio Morales In memory of Punki Mauri The complicity…

Clashes in Argentina Due to Right Wing Austerity Program

Violent clashes between law enforcement and protesters in Buenos Aires on Wednesday marred the debate in…

(Chile) Autonomy and Persistence Against Prisons. Words from Comrade Mónica Caballero

Almost a month ago I was transferred to the prison where I will have to serve…

‘Nothing is Over, Everything Continues’ Text in memory of Mauri 2024 from Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti: Chile

Nothing is Over, Everything Continues In these days it will be 15 years since the physical…