Colombia, ELN and UN Hypocrisy

By: Antonio García, First Comandante of the ELN On January 22, the UN condemned the violence…

Renewed Imperial Plans: ELN

In a seismic geopolitical power shift, the United States is undergoing a fundamental realignment driven by…

Death of Andrés Patiño, Commander of the FARC-EP: Colombia

Óscar Eduardo Sandoval, known as El Mocho or Andrés Patiño, has died. He was one of…

Total Peace is More Military Than Political — ELN

Public statement from the central command of the National Liberation Army – ELN, on the events…

ELN Guerrillas Refuse to Submit or Surrender: Colombia

On Monday, the National Liberation Army (ELN) reaffirmed that it will neither submit nor surrender during…

A Necessary Explanation: ELN Statement

All wars, confrontations and armed conflicts have a history of their origins, with their causes and…

(Chile) Barricades in Solidarity with Prisoners and in Memory of Comrades Lupi, Tortuga and Belén

Hooded people set up barricades in the commune of Maipú, with the impetus to demonstrate in…

Colombia: Dialogue between the authorities and ELN suspended

On Friday January 17th, the Colombian authorities announced that they had suspended peace negotiations with the…

Héctor Llaitul: “The Current Government Has Become More and More Functional and Servile to the Interests of the Great Capital”

Héctor Llaitul, leader of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), sentenced to 23 years in prison under…

Solidarity from Uruguay to Athens

We live in a world in which our existence is continuously threaten by the capitalist advances…