Let’s Defend the Syrian People and the Rojava Revolution Against Imperialist Aggression, Occupation, Attacks and Massacres!

In general, the Syrian people in particular,  and the Rojava Revolution, are under the threat of…

TIKKO: This Revolution Can Only Be Realized Through Armed Struggle

TKP-ML held their second Congress this summer and the articulated their new direction going into the…

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade: We Stand With the Palestinian and Lebanese People

Against the massacres and genocide of the Zionist state of Israel We stand with the Palestinian…

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Battalion and TIKKO Commemorate Şehid Ozanyan

The Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Battalion in Rojava held a commemoration event in memory of Şehid Nubar…

Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla (PBSP)/Bangladesh: A Call to Struggling Students-Mass People

A Call to Struggling Students-Mass People The Quota Reform Movement may have been triumphant, but the…

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade: Happy 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution!

Congratulations on the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, especially to our martyrs, to the families…

TIKKO Vows To Continue Its War Against Fascism In 53rd Year Of Struggle: Interview

“We attach importance to the masses organizing their own politics independent of the politics of the…

We Will Not Forget or Forgive the Armenian Genocide! — Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade

We Will Not Forget or Forgive the Armenian Genocide! We will not forget or forgive the…

TKP-ML TIKKO General Command: Our Party Continues to Enlighten Our War; Support it! Strengthen it!

52 years ago, a new era was launched in the liberation struggle of the oppressed people…

TKP-ML KKB: On March 8th, the Struggle Against Imperialist Wars, Fascism, Poverty and Patriarchy Calls Us!

Like thousands of years of class struggle, the history of International Working Women’s Day shows us…