Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Resume Rotating Fasting from Chile in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

In the anti-prison internationalist context of complicit mobilizations with the hunger strike of the Italian anarchist comrade Alfredo Cóspito that lasts for 123 days, the anarchist and subversive prisoners confined in the La Gonzalina-Rancagua Prison resume today, Monday, February 20, the rotating solidarity fasting as inescapable expression of internationalist fraternity between compañerxs who find themselves on the same pulse of the conflict, assuming positions of direct combat in jail and on the independent street of the territory where we find ourselves today.

Our bodies somewhat beaten by chronic conditions and countless hunger strikes are not an impediment to carrying out a collective action from confinement. We decided to use fasting as a tool that consists of eating a small and unique amount of food daily at 8:00 p.m., a tool that has been in the anti-prison collective memory since long ago in these territories and we apply it in this context of emergencies in which the life of Alfredo is endangered by the exclusive responsibility of the Italian state as a minimal gesture of solidarity.

We salute the anarchist comrades and combatants of the Greek region who have started hunger strike movements a few days ago, pointing out that “it is a duty to actively defend the fight of Alfredo Cóspito” and we undoubtedly share this statement, full of clarity that calls on all those who assume the fight for the destruction of the prison society to mobilize, using all the possible modalities and tools that the imagination allows at this moment in which a comrade challenges the Italian fascist government and with it all the states that are complicit with it.

This week, key to Alfredo’s life and his fight against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime, contemplates the hearing on February 24 in which his permanence or exit from said infamous regime will be decided, which is why we insist on the call to all anti-authoritarians of all tendencies and on all those who fight against the state, prison and capital to redouble their efforts to continue with gestures of support for the comrade.

For the extension of combative solidarity in the pulse of insurgent complicity with comrade Alfredo Cóspito!! Let’s get Alfredo out of 41 bis!

As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!

Until the destruction of the last bastion of prison society!!

Let the jails burst!

Long live anarchy!

Revolutionary anti-authoritarian prisoners of all stripes out of prison now!!

-Marcelo Villarroel Sepulveda.

-Juan Aliste Vega.

-Joaquin Garcia Chancks.

-Francisco Solar Dominguez.

La Gonzalina-Rancagua prison-company

Territory occupied by the Chilean state.

February 20, 2023

123 days after the comrade’s hunger strike began.

Source: Publicacion Refractario