HBDH Militia Staged an Action in Istanbul

Making a written statement, HBDH Sinan Ateş Militia said, “We continue to raise our voice against the resistance in the dungeons, against the ‘silent death’ imposed by the İmralı isolation and destruction system!”

“On February 18th, HBDH Sinan Ateş Militia took action in Istanbul to support the resistance and hunger strikes in dungeons against the İmralı isolation and extermination system,” the statement added, giving the following details:

“This time we targeted the parking lot of a luxury complex in Üsküdar. As a result of the sabotage action we carried out with a timed device, many vehicles in the luxury complex were destroyed by burning.”

“We sent a message to those who feed on the suffering and poverty of our peoples and think that they will feel safe in high security complexes in order not to witness those sufferings,” the statement said.