MLKP, TKP/ML and MKP’s Prisoner Support Face Repression From Turkish State, 15 People Detained

Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office Terror and Organized Crimes Investigation Bureau conducted an investigation into the prison support structures of revolutionary political organizations MLKP, TKP/ML and MKP.

Within the scope of the investigation, the state argued that 16 suspects have been depositing money to the members of the revolutionary organizations in prisons in the Marmara Region since January 1, 2016.

A detention warrant was issued for the arrest of the suspects who were found to have provided financial support to the political prisoners.

Acting upon this, Istanbul Security Directorate teams arrested 15 suspects in an operation, while the state continues to hunt for one person.

The MLKP, TKP/ML and MKP are three organizations that have fought for socialist revolution in Turkey and actively participate in the Rojava Revolution as part of the internationalist section. Furthermore they are active members in the Turkish coalition HBDH.