HBDH Sibel Driver Militia; “We Organized a Sabotage Action on a Factory in Bursa/İnegöl!”

The operation launched on the Metina line was and still is the scene of the epic resistance of the freedom guerrillas. Here we warn AKP-MHP fascism and its collaborators; This operation you started will not be limited to the mountains! We will fuel the cities with the fire of freedom. We will turn every area we are in into a position of resistance. We will target all economic sources through which you finance the war.

In the morning hours of April 19, we organized a sabotage action against the office supplies production factory in İnegöl district of Bursa! The chair, table and office supplies production factory located in İnegöl Organized Industrial Zone was completely reduced to ashes.

We dedicate this action to the freedom guerrillas who showed epic resistance against the occupation attacks.

We Will Destroy Fascism, We Will Win Freedom!

Long live our United Revolution!

Long live HBDH!